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Pentecost Sunday  



Pentecost Web Banner

Pentecost Web Banner

Alter Dress for Pentecost Sunday

Alter Dress for Pentecost Sunday

Panoramic of Alter Dress

Panoramic of Alter Dress

Youth Church School

Youth Church School

Youth with Pastor DeBora

Youth with Pastor DeBora

Laughter to be Found in the House

Laughter to be Found in the House

Youth Teacher making it plain!

Youth Teacher making it plain!

Listening to the preached word.

Listening to the preached word.

Pentecost Alter

Pentecost Alter

St. Paul Angels prepare for worship.

St. Paul Angels prepare for worship.

St. Paul Angels

St. Paul Angels

Crowned by his glory.

Crowned by his glory.

I think I got it right.

I think I got it right.

I lift my head in praise!

I lift my head in praise!

Take me to the King!

Take me to the King!

Brother Fry enjoying the word.

Brother Fry enjoying the word.

Pentecost fellowship cake.

Pentecost fellowship cake.

St. Paul Teens in the house!

St. Paul Teens in the house!

Pastor thinks she has jokes!

Pastor thinks she has jokes!

O.K. Everyone gets a piece of cake.

O.K. Everyone gets a piece of cake.

Pentecost Panoramic

Pentecost Panoramic



Pentecost Pprogram Slider

Pentecost Pprogram Slider

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